Surah Nas Transliteration Full with Meaning in Arabic, English

Surah Nas Transliteration: Surah Nas is one of the most significant surahs in the Quran, comprising 114 verses that address various qualities associated with Allah Almighty. Allah is the Lord of all things, and our duty as believers is to respect his power and only offer worship that honours him.

Surah Al Nas taught us that Allah alone protects Iblees (Satan) and his devilish aid, Lucifer.

Surah Nas Transliteration
surah al nas transliteration

As part of our duty, we must ask Allah to protect us from the deeds of Satan since his plans can be unpredictable, and we don’t see him directly, thus allowing him to act as our protector against doing wrong deeds. Allah is truly our true shield in this regard.

So, brothers and sisters, we will provide you with complete information about Surah Nas, along with Surah an nas transliteration, meaning, benefits, etc.

What is Surah Nas?

What is Surah Nas?

Naas Surah is integral to Muslim lives as it establishes our connection to Allah, our Lord and Master.

Satan (iblees) may attempt to tempt us away from following our God-ordained path. Still, Allah alone can protect our hearts against his evil schemes each day, both spiritually and physically.

Surah represents peace and serenity for Muslims worldwide.

Abdullah Ibn Khubayb reported. The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him), when Abdullah asked what to say, told them to speak out. He replied that one should say Allah is One and that you should say He is Allah (112:1) in addition to reciting al-Falaq and Al-Nas three times daily as protection; these chapters would protect you from anything that comes your way, according to Sunan Al Tirmidhi.

Mecca first discovered Surah al Nas at nightfall, but others assert that Madina announced it on the seventh day of the Hijra month.

Sayyiduna Hasan Basri’s Ikrimah, Ata, and Jabir Bin Zaid claimed they believed this Surah was made public in Makkah.

Ibn S’ad, Imam Baihaqi, and others believe that Surahs were revealed on the seventh day of Haijra.

Surah Nas was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon his soul) during a period when his health had become impaired and when he began experiencing hallucinations, according to Aisha (may Allah bless her). This incident did not hinder or diminish the Holy Prophet’s role as Prophet; his role remained undisrupted by it.

Surah Nas in Arabic

Surah Nas in Arabic

If you want to know Surah Nas in Arabic Language, then here it is:

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ

مَلِكِ النَّاسِ

إِلَٰهِ النَّاسِ

مِن شَرِّ الْوَسْوَاسِ الْخَنَّاسِ

الَّذِي يُوَسْوِسُ فِي صُدُورِ النَّاسِ

مِنَ الْجِنَّةِ وَالنَّاسِ

Surah Nas Transliteration

Surah Nas Transliteration

Some people don’t know the Arabic language, and that’s why they are looking for a surah Nas transliteration. If you are also one of them, they will provide you with surah nas transliteration in English below.

Bismillah Hir-Rahma Nir-Rahim

Qull Aa’udhu Birabbinnaas



Min Sharrill Waswasill Khannaas

Allahzi yuwaswisu fi Sudurinnaas

Minall Jinnati Wannaas

Surah Nas Transliteration Meaning

Surah Nas Transliteration Meaning

If you want to know the meaning of Surah NAS in English, then here it is:

  • This prayer invokes Allah Al-Wathiq for help and mercy.
  • Declare, “I seek shelter in the Lord God of humanity.
  • The Supreme Ruler of the Universe.
  • Creator of All Mankind
  • The perils of a whisperer who retreats
  • Who speaks directly to humanity’s hearts?
  • At home in both Jinn and society.

Benefits of Surah Nas

Benefits of Surah Nas

Every Surah has its own merits, and if you want to know the benefits of Surah NAS, then here are some of the basic benefits that will help you understand their benefits in our day-to-day lives: 

  • If you recite this Surah daily, then you will be cured of all the diseases, serious illnesses, and anxiety. 
  • Reciting Surah NAS will help you get rid of black magic. 
  • This will help you take care of the jealous people who are jealous of your lifestyle, friends, and family.
  • By reciting the Surah Nas daily, you will also eradicate the evil eye. 
  • Reciting this surah will help you stay away from danger. 
  • It will help you stay motivated and eliminate all negative thoughts.


Q. What does Surah An-Nas protect you from?

Ans. Reciting Surah NAS will help you protect yourself from the evil eye.

Q. Which Prophet was revealed to Surah Nas?

The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam revealed Surah NAS.

Q. What is the story behind Surah Nas?

The Almighty Allah gave Surah NAS to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam when he was the target of black magic.

Q. Is Surah Nas a makki or madni?

The answer is that Surah NAS is a Makki because our Prophet Mohammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam launched it in Mecca.


Brothers and sisters, we have provided comprehensive information about the transliteration of Surah Nas in various languages, including its meaning and benefits. We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Please share it with others and visit our SurahNews site daily for more information about Surahs.

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